意法半导体功率MOSFET系列具有很宽的击穿电压范围(-100到1700 V),通过非常先进的封装实现了低栅极电荷和低导通电阻。我们通过面向MDmesh高压功率MOSFET和STripFET低压功率MOSFET的制程技术增强了功率处理能力,从而实现了高效解决方案。意法半导体功率MOSFET属于STPOWER系列。









对于任意电压范围的工业和汽车应用(例如开关模式电源 (SMPS) 、照明、电机控制、能源生产和电动车辆、底盘与安全、车身与便利性等方面),意法半导体都能提供令人印象深刻的功率MOSFET产品。

20-30 V
> 30-200 V
> 200-700 V
> 700-1700 V
我们的STripFET P沟道MOSFET,采用超小型封装,最近还扩大到了新型沟槽栅器件。




  • -100至1700 V击穿电压范围
  • 面向从低压到超高压功率MOSFET,提供了30余种封装选项,包括:
    • 突破性的顶部冷却式HU3PAK封装,可实现更高的功率密度和更完善的热管理
    • 具有专用控制引脚的4引线TO-247封装,用于提高开关效率
      • H2PAK封装,面向大电流能力应用
      • 高度创新的表面贴装式无引线TO-LL封装
    • 1 mm高的表面贴装式PowerFLAT系列 (从2x2到8x8 mm),带有大片裸露金属漏垫,散热能力出众
    • 改善的栅极电荷和更低的通态电阻,满足当今极具挑战性的效率要求
    • 面向特定产品线的本征快速体二极管
    • 广泛的车规级功率MOSFET产品组合
    • 面向应用的技术

    Automotive MOSFETs in tiny 5x6 mm dual-side cooling package

    意法半导体扩大了AEC-Q101 MOSFET的产品范围,推出了两款采用先进的PowerFLAT™ 5x6双侧冷却 (DSC) 封装的40V器件,表面可湿。STLD200N4F6AGSTLD125N4F6AG的最大导通电阻分别为1.5 mΩ和3.0 mΩ,可确保较高效率并有助于简化系统热管理。0.8 mm厚的PowerFLAT 5x6 DSC保留了标准表面可湿封装的占位面积和热效率底部设计,同时使顶部源电极外露,以进一步增强散热性。此配置可达到更高的额定电流,从而提高功率密度,使设计人员能够在不牺牲功能、性能或可靠性的情况下构建更小的ECU。

    Power MOSFET Basics

    mosfet circuit
    MOSFET circuit symbol

    MOSFET stands for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. It's a voltage controlled device with 3 terminals:

    • Gate (electrically insulated from the semiconductor)
    • Drain
    • Source

    When a voltage applied between the Gate and the Source reaches a certain threshold (VGS(th) or threshold G-S voltage), the device is able to support current conduction between the Drain and the Source (ID or drain current).

    mosfet structure
    MOSFET simplified structure

    When a voltage applied between the Gate and the Source is below VGS(th), the device will withstand a voltage up to BVDSS (or breakdown voltage).

    MOSFETs can be used as a signal amplifier (linear operation) or as a switch in power applications.

    MOSFET parameters

    Like many other types of semiconductor power switches, the main parameters of a MOSFET, usually available in most datasheets, are:

    • RDS(on) (on-state resistance): electrical resistance when the device is set in on state. The lower is RDS(on), the lower is the conduction loss due to power dissipation when the current is flowing.
    • BVDSS (breakdown voltage): maximum drain-to-source voltage that the device is able to sustain when in off state.
    • QG (total gate charge): amount of electric charge required to the gate driver to turn on/off the device itself. QG impacts directly the efficiency (the lower, the better).

    The product of RDS(on) and QG is known as the MOSFET Figure of Merit (FOM).

    Other important parameters are intrinsic capacitances that can affect the switching times and voltage spikes, and body drain diode when device is used as power diode, like in synchronous free-wheeling operation mode.

    mosfet parameters
    Example of MOSFET datasheet parameters

    Learn more about how to read MOSFET datasheet parameters thanks to our series of videos dedicated to "Power MOSFET datasheet parameters".

    Main types of power MOSFETs

    MOSFETs can be of different types, including:

    N-channel enhancement-mode MOSFETs are the most popular type used in power switching circuits because of their low RDS(on) (on-state resistance) compared to P-channel MOSFETs.

    mosfet main types
    Overview of the main types of MOSFETs

    Power MOSFET Applications

    Power MOSFETs play an important role in all applications handling Power.

    The main applications of high voltage MOSFETs include:

    • Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)
    • Residential, commercial, architectural and street lighting
    • DC-DC converters
    • Motor control
    • Automotive applications

    ST's high voltage MOSFET portfolio offers a broad range of breakdown voltages up to 1700 V, with low gate charge and low on-resistance, combined with state-of-the-art packaging. ST's MDmesh™ high-voltage MOSFETs technology has enhanced power-handling capability, resulting in high-efficiency solutions.

    The main applications of low voltage MOSFETs include:

    • Switch, buck and synchronous rectification
    • Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
    • Small motor control
    • Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)
    • Power-Over-Ethernet (PoE)
    • Solar inverters
    • Automotive applications

    ST's low voltage MOSFET portfolio offers a broad range of breakdown voltages from -100 V to 120 V, with low gate charge and low on-resistance, combined with state-of-the art packaging.


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    Displays interactive and annotated schematic
    Provides current/voltage graphs, Bode plots, efficiency curves and power-loss data
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    Provides gain, phase and group delay graphs
    Low Pass, High Pass and Band Pass
    Signal Conditioning Design Tool


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    Returns circuit components values
    Provides I/O signal waveforms
    Inverting, Non Inverting, Window
    Signal Conditioning Design Tool

    Low side Current Sensing

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    Provides current error graphs
    Signal Conditioning Design Tool

    High side Current Sensing

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    NFC/RFID Calculators

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    NFC/RFID Calculators

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