- General purpose GUI r2.0 for STLUX™ and STNRG digital controllers
- Getting started with the STEVAL-PCC020V1: USB to I²C UART interface board and associated GUI for STNRG products
- Getting started with the STEVAL-PCC020V2: USB to I²C UART interface board for STNRG01x products
- Getting started with the STSW-STNRG011GUI GUI for STNRG011/STNRG011A products
- Getting started with the STSW-STNRG012GUI GUI for STNRG012 products
Design Tip
- EuP Lot 6 Tier2 Ecodesign requirements for Standby
- L6699: Double-ended controller specific to series-resonant half-bridge topology
- Primary side regulation controllers portfolio
- Smart street lighting solutions
- The “Black Box” is a memory area inside the EEPROM that contains information about the power supply
- 12 V - 150 W resonant converter with synchronous rectification based on L6563H, L6699 and SRK2001
- 12 V - 150 W resonant converter with synchronous rectification using L6563H, L6599A, and SRK2000A
- 12 V - 150 W resonant converter with synchronous rectification using the L6563H, L6699 and SRK2000A
- 12 V - 210 W converter based on STCMB1, combo TM PFC, HB LLC and SRK2001, adaptive SR controller
- 12 V – 150 W power supply based on STNRG011 digital combo and SRK2001 adaptive synchronous rectifier controller
- Fully integrated controller for smart chargers
- Digital combo multi-mode PFC and time-shift LLC resonant controller
- Digital combo multi-mode PFC and time-shift LLC resonant controller
- Digital combo multi-mode PFC and time-shift LLC resonant controller for AC and DC input line
- Digital controller for STC/HSTC topologies