
意法半导体的单片式DC-DC开关稳压器支持最高61 V的输入电压,降压转换器能够提供最高6 A的输出电流,开关频率最高2.3 MHz。




意法半导体还提供独特且完全隔离、共振的单级直接转换,从48 V直接转换到负载点 (PoL),完全符合Intel VR13和VR12.5规范的CPU/DDR,以及一种完全可扩展的解决方案,能够管理高达6个具有动态电池脱落和脉冲跳跃特性的交错并联电池。




开关转换器 (DC-DC)
L3751:6 V至75 V的宽输入电压同步降压控制器
L7983 - 紧凑型设计,60 V@300 mA


STPD01可编程同步降压转换器,适合USB功率传输应用。该器件根据USB PD 3.0规范提供USB功率传输系统所需的电压,最高输出功率可达60 W(20 V,3 A),包括必要的电缆压降补偿电路。

采用QFN24L 3 x 4 mm²封装的STPD01内嵌可编程看门狗以提高整个系统的稳定性和安全性,并提供过电压、过电流和超温保护



38 V 1.5 A / 2 A step-down converters with low quiescent current

The new L6981 and L6982 are  easy -to -use regulators delivering high efficiency capability atacross all loads. The wide input voltage range (3.5 V –- 38V) , makes them also the ideal solution for 24 V industrial bus-powered systems, HVAC power supplies, battery-powered equipment, decentralized intelligent nodes and always-on devices like smart sensors.

Housed in an SO8 package , the L6981 (1.5 A)  and L6982 (2 A) are also based on a peak current mode architecture with internal compensation, to help reduce the overall size and complexity of the end-product designs.

Evaluation boards are available, to support developers in their designs.



60 V 300 mA降压转换器,具有10 uA静态电流


L7983具有宽输入电压范围,可以在12 - 24 V的工业总线上运行,并且具有较大的安全裕度。它也适用于电池供电型应用、工业自动防故障系统、分布式智能节点、家电、机器人和(利用易于使用的低噪声模式的)精确传感应用。



L3751同步降压控制器具有紧凑的尺寸和6 V - 75 V输入电压范围,适合从工业设备到电池驱动的轻型电动汽车的各种应用。

凭借表面可湿的QFN20封装,它还可用于电信和网络设备(通常采用24 V和48 V总线)。

此外,它还提供STEVAL-L3751V12(100 W评估板),帮助设计人员在电源开发过程中加快元件选择。


eDesignSuite is a comprehensive set of easy-to-use design-aid utilities ready to help you streamline the system development process with a wide range of ST products.

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Power Management Design Center

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Handles AC-DC and DC-DC design in common topologies
Displays interactive and annotated schematic
Provides current/voltage graphs, Bode plots, efficiency curves and power-loss data
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Power Management Design Center

Digital Power Workbench

Provides a step-by-step optimized design of power section and control loop
Generates the STM32Cube embedded software package for custom applications and allows firmware project generation, compatible with multiple STM32 IDEs
Power Management Design Center

Power Tree Designer

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Thermal-electrical Simulators for Components

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Thermal-electrical Simulators for Components

Rectifier Diodes Simulator

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Thermal-electrical Simulators for Components


Supports long mission profiles
Provides power loss and temperature graphs
Helps define heatsink thermal properties
Thermal-electrical Simulators for Components

Twister Sim

Help select the right ViPOWER Automotive power device
Supports load-compatibility, wiring harness optimization, fault condition impact and diagnostic analysis
Supports various PCB configurations
Thermal-electrical Simulators for Components

TVS Simulator

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Thermal-electrical Simulators for Components


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Quickly generate reliable estimates of battery life, system power consumption and bill of materials costs
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Signal Conditioning Design Tool

Active Filters

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Returns circuit component values
Provides gain, phase and group delay graphs
Low Pass, High Pass and Band Pass
Signal Conditioning Design Tool


Handles most common configurations
Returns circuit components values
Provides I/O signal waveforms
Inverting, Non Inverting, Window
Signal Conditioning Design Tool

Low side Current Sensing

Returns circuit component values
Provides current error graphs
Signal Conditioning Design Tool

High side Current Sensing

Provides current error graphs.
Help to select the right High side current sensing and shunt devices.
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NFC/RFID Calculators

NFC Inductance

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NFC/RFID Calculators

UHF Link Budget

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The tool returns link budget estimate
NFC/RFID Calculators

NFC Tuning Circuit

Enter antenna parameter and matching target
Select the topology of the matching network
The tool returns component values for the desired design targets