ST's low input bias current op amps are the perfect fit for any application where small differences in the current or voltage at the input of the op amps needs to be measured accurately. They are critical for interfacing downstream electronics with sensors in applications from photodiodes, pH meters, or other electrometer-like functions.
ST offers a large diversity of operational amplifiers featuring low and ultra-low input bias current, which fit this small signal conditioning range of applications.
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New high temperature (150°C), very high accuracy op amp for Automotive applications
High bandwidth Chopper Op Amps for automotive and industrial applications
我们的TSZ18系列5 V零漂移运算放大器具有极高的精度和稳定性(在25°C的温度下VIO不高于25 µV),是高精度、高带宽传感器接口的理想选择,具体应用包括生命体征监视器、血糖仪、工业传感器、工厂自动化和低侧电流检测等等。该产品分为单通道TSZ181(1.2mm x 1.3 mm DFN6封装)和双通道TSZ182(2mm x 2 mm DFN8封装)两个版本。
TSV7 series: excellent precision (200 µV), low-power (10 µA or 60 µA)
TSB952是一款高带宽 (52 MHz) 的轨到轨输出36V运算放大器,可以满足各种严苛的电源和工业应用要求。
该器件采用SO8和DFN8 3x3可湿性侧面封装,具有高速性能、较低功耗以及经扩展的电源电压工作范围。