These IGBTs are developed using an advanced proprietary trench gate field-stop structure and performance is optimized in both conduction and switching losses. A freewheeling diode with a low drop forward voltage is co-packaged. The result is a product specifically designed to maximize efficiency for any resonant and soft-switching application.
- Designed for soft commutation only
- Maximum junction temperature: TJ= 175 °C
- Minimized tail current
- VCE(sat)= 2.0 V (typ.) @ IC= 25 A
- Tight parameters distribution
- Safe paralleling
- Low VFsoft recovery co-packaged diode
- Low thermal resistance
- Lead free package
产品型号 | 供货状态 | Budgetary Price (US$)*/Qty | 从ST订购 | Order from distributors | 包 | 包装类型 | RoHS | Country of Origin | ECCN (US) | ECCN (EU) | Operating temperature (°C) | Operating Temperature (°C) (max) | ||
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