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The microcontrollers in the STM32F0 Series, STM32F2 Series, STM32F3 Series, STM32F4 Series, STM32F7 Series, STM32G0 Series, STM32G4 Series, STM32H7 Series, STM32L0 Series, STM32L1 Series, STM32L4 Series, STM32L4+ Series, STM32L5 Series, STM32WB Series, and STM32WL Series feature a real-time clock (RTC) peripheral designed to allow the STM32 MCUs to operate with minimum power requirements.

The applications in the X-CUBE-RTC Expansion Package aim to demonstrate how to exploit fully the RTC advantages, thus extending product battery life.

For more details, refer to the Using the hardware real-time clock (RTC) and the tamper management unit (TAMP) with STM32 microcontrollers application note (AN4759), available on www.st.com.

  • 所有功能

    • Calendar that keeps time and date
    • Tamper detection by erasing backup registers
    • Timestamp for the tampering event
    • RTC usage in Stop mode
    • Smooth digital calibration
    • RTC clock synchronization
    • Reference clock detection
    • Internal tamper detection
