- MCU安全手册
- 安全要求(应用假设)和示例的详细列表,用于指导最终用户使用系统中的STM8 8位MCU,以实现符合ISO 26262,甚至ASIL B标准的安全功能
- FMEA:详细的MCU故障模式列表和采取的相关缓解措施(定性分析)
- FMEDA:静态快照报告故障率符合ISO 26262要求,在MCU和基本功能级别上均进行了计算
- 自测库的规范文档
- 详细安全要求清单使STM8AF系列用户能够在符合ISO 26262标准的软件开发过程中构建STM8AF安全手册要求的软件自检库,以解决CPU永久性故障
- 规范的质量和详细程度使其可以直接用于符合ISO 26262-6要求的开发过程
- 包括生成最终用户安全案例完整性安全要求的证据和理由
- 独立于应用:可以在任何最终用户应用中使用
- Specification document for self-test library
- List of detailed safety requirements enabling STM8AF and STM8AL Series users to realize, in the framework of their ISO 26262-compliant software development process, the software self-test library required by the STM8AF and STM8AL Series safety manual to address CPU permanent failures
- The quality and detail level of the specification enables its direct use in a development process compliant to ISO 26262-6 requirements
- Includes the evidences and rationales behind the generation of the safety requirements for the completeness of end-user safety case
- Application independent: can be used in potentially any end-user application
- MCU安全手册