



  • 可升级解决方案,满足了整个行业对车门电子架构的要求
  • 电源管理功能(所选产品具有局部网络IP)
  • 集成式CAN或LIN收发器
  • 通过SPI总线进行控制和诊断
  • 小功率封装,具有出色的散热性能

New family of automotive door-zone controllers

The new L99DZ1xx door-zone controllers integrate power-management and failsafe circuitry previously implemented using external devices.

The family includes the L99DZ100G/GP actuator driver for front-door applications and L99DZ120 actuator driver for rear-door controls. This complete solution enables designers to save space as well as boost reliability and energy efficiency. With the added advantage of software compatibility between the previous generation devices, they also help simplify development and accelerate time to market.

These door-zone system ICs also offer an advanced High-Speed CAN (HS-CAN) interface supporting selective wake-up (ISO 11898-6), LIN 2.2a (SAE J 2602) interface and control blocks as well as protection and supervision features.