Cesanta develops and distributes embedded software with a focus on connected products and the Internet of Things.
The solutions are:
- Integrated into thousands of commercial products
- Deployed to hundreds of millions of devices in the production environment
Cesanta story roots back to 2004, when Mongoose Web Server Library development started. As Mongoose Web Server grew in popularity and matured over the following years, in 2013, Cesanta was established to continue its development and provide support to their valued customers.
Cesanta is proud to have among their customers many Fortune 500 companies as well as medium and small size businesses. Security and quality of the solutions is our paramount and the fact that the Mongoose library is used by NASA aboard the International Space Station is the best confirmation to it.
Cesanta’s solutions enable customers to:
- Shorten time-to-market
- Reduce development costs
- Avoid security risks for their products
Products & Services offered by Cesanta
Mongoose OS - open source IoT Firmware Development Framework (OTA, flash encryption)
Mongoose Web Server - an open-source embedded HTTP/Websocket/MQTT library
VCON.io - Remote Firmware Update and Continuous Automated Firmware tests service
mDash.net - Device Management IoT Cloud for MongooseOS-based devices
Cesanta in STMicroelectronics Ecosystem
Cesanta’s embedded networking solutions have been ported on a wide range of STM32 evaluation boards helping customers to reduce development effort and accelerate time to market.
Cesanta: Related Resources

• 嵌入式软件
• Global Services
13 Edward Place, Bloomfield avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin, Ireland
Anatoly Lebedev
合作伙伴产品 | 描述 | 相关意法半导体产品 |
Mongoose OS | 开源IoT固件开发框架(OTA、Flash存储器加密) | STM32 ultra low power MCUs STM32 high performance MCUs |
Mongoose Web Server Library | Open source Embedded Web Server and Networking Library (HTTP/Websocket/MQTT) for C/C++ | STM32 ultra low power MCUs STM32 high performance MCUs |
合作伙伴产品 | 描述 | 相关意法半导体产品 |
VCON.io | Remote Firmware Update and Continuous Automated Firmware tests service | STM32 ultra low power MCUs STM32 high performance MCUs |
mDash.net | Device Management Remote Control IoT Cloud | STM32 ultra low power MCUs STM32 high performance MCUs |

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