In operation since 2011, SIANA Systems provides engineering design services in the embedded space. Focused on ST-centric solutions, SIANA has completed many projects in the CE, medical, and building-automation industries.
From low-power & small footprint wearables, to voice-controlled, to IoT devices, SIANA is experienced with most of today's embedded challenges & technologies, including: optimized low-level drivers & BSP, RTOS integration, UI/UX design, IoT development, algorithm & deep-learning design, and embedded Linux development.
SIANA is based in two locations:
- San Diego, California for the System Design, Project Management, and CRM
- Valparaiso, Chile for the Engineering Development
Products and services offered by SIANA Systems
Siana is an ST-driven design house providing:
- Firmware development for STM32 Cortex-M / A
- PCB/A design of embedded devices
Their core competencies range from:
- Firmware BSP (HAL, LL, peripheral driver & controller)
- RTOS / File-Systems / Network stack integration
- Application design, including algorithm design/evaluation
- Edge Deep-Learning with Cube-AI (dataset / modelling / integration)
- GUI designs & implementations:
- Official TouchGFX Implementer (Cortex-M)
- Partnership with ST Authorized Partner Crank Software (Cortex-A/Linux)
- UI / UX design services
- Connectivity:
- WiFi stack integration
- Network stack integration (TCP/IP/UDP, TLS, etc.)
- Zigbee, BT/BLE, LoRa, sub-ghz (SPIRIT)
- IoT development & cloud/mobile integration, experienced with:
- AWS and Azure IoT
- Firmware OTA (FOTA) update
- Factory provisioning, Device / User registration
- Secure bootloader integration (SBSFU)
- Secure element (STSAFE) integration
- Voice-Assistant development, experience with:
- Alexa-Voice-Service & Alexa-For-IoT
- DSP Concepts and Sensory
- ST Voice Solutions (early adopter)
- Embedded Linux development, experience with:
- STM32MP15x family (+Octavo OSD32)
- OpenSTLinux development, including:
- Device-Tree definition
- Board Bring-up & tuning
- Yocto-based custom distribution
SIANA Systems in STMicroelectronics Ecosystem
SIANA Systems is a ST-centric design house. Most of their projects leverage the extensive ST ecosystem from MCUs, to peripherals, to development tools.
An official ST Authorized Partner, they have developed a close & productive relationship with STMicroelectronics. They work closely with ST sales & FAEs to provide optimized solutions to their customers.
SIANA Systems: Related Resources
Description | Category |
Siana: Story of a Design House Experimenting With the STM32MP1 | Blog Post |
CES 2021 Complement Event: Siana MPCA Low-cost edge-CV camera | Video |
(#STM32MPU) (#STM32MP1)

• Design Services
• 工程服务
• Evaluation Boards
8979 Carley Circle, 92126, San Diego, California, United States
Sylvain Bernard
合作伙伴产品 | 描述 | 相关意法半导体产品 |
MPCam | Small & low-cost, smart camera designed to bridge the gap between development and rapid deployment of edge-CV applications | STM32MP157 |
合作伙伴产品 | 描述 | 相关意法半导体产品 |
Artificial Intelligence Design | 对ST最新AI技术的支持和创新 | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STM32MP1 series |
合作伙伴产品 | 描述 | 相关意法半导体产品 |
Hardware and firmware design | 针对所有应用的完整硬件和固件设计 | MEMS microphones Bluetooth Low Energy application processors Accelerometers Gyroscopes STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
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