The MIKROE is an innovation company, OEM, and global provider of various microcontroller-based hardware and software tools. The company provides complete embedded development toolchains suitable for professionals and beginners, whether you are a hardware engineer, hobbyist, or student.
MIKROE is the introducer of industry acknowledged add-on mikroBUS and SiBRAIN standards, as well as services, or end-to-end solutions for partners and end customers. With the expertise in embedded development, manufacturing, logistic, and many other services, we offer one-stop-shop for everyone.
MIKROE is an engineering company with over 20 years of experience in the design and manufacture of high-quality development tools, and with over 15 years in development of compilers and IDEs. With more than 90 employees and in house manufacturing facility, it is one of the rear companies in the world offering everything under one roof.
Services offered by MikroElektronika (MIKROE)
- Development boards and programmers/debuggers for various microcontroller architectures
- NECTO STUDIO IDE is a multi-architecture, multi-language, cross-platform with the integrated AI, video codecs, visual designer, mikroSDK, and support for remote programming
- Customizable HMI development boards in different sizes and display types
- Standardized peripheral add-on boards Click boards, with over 1.300 different in offer compatible with the mikroBUS socket
- Wireless CODEGRIP programmer and debugger for Cortex® M families (M0, M3, M4, M7)
- Full featured and IoT development boards based on different MCU families
- Standardized MCU carrier add-on boards called SiBRAN for MCU independent product development
- Versatile peripheral add-on board portfolio of hundreds of sensors, wireless modules, actuators, and drivers
- Design Service
- Contract Manufacturing
- Hardware as a Service
MikroElektronika in STMicroelectronics Ecosystem
MIKROE is a solution provided that has been partnering with different technology groups at ST to bring latest technologies to the broad market, at the same time acquiring knowledge to support end users. The ST product portfolio is supported through the complete MIKROE ecosystem, from software to hardware, or from MCUs to sensor.
ST is also supporter of the MIKROE peripheral add-on board standard called mikroBUS on their development tools, such as the Discovery adapter.
MikroElektronika: Social Networks

• Development Boards
• Evaluation Boards
• 硬件开发工具
• 软件开发工具
Batajnički drum 23, 11186, Belgrade, Serbia
Company primary contact phone:
+381 11 78 57 600
合作伙伴产品 | 描述 | 相关意法半导体产品 |
MCU CARD for STM32 | Dozens of STM32 MCU CARDs for 8th generation of DevelopmentBoardss | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
mikromedia for STM32 | 紧凑的2.8”智能显示屏和采用STM32F407VG MCU的开发平台。 | STM32F4 series STM32F2 series |
Clicker 4 for STM32F7 | Compact DevelopmentBoards designed as a complete solution | STM32F7 series |
MINI Starter board for STM32 | 由STM32F415RG MCU供电的小型开发板。 | STM32F4 series STM32F0 series |
mikromedia 7 for STM32 | 具有STM32F407ZG MCU的Vivid 7”触摸屏显示器和开发平台,包含以太网和WiFi。 | STM32F4 series STM32F7 series |
mikromedia Plus for STM32 | 具有STM32F407ZG MCU的智能4.3”可编程触摸屏显示器。 | STM32F4 series STM32F7 series |
EasyMx PRO v7 for STM32 | STM32 ARM Cortex M0、M3、M4和M7 MCU的开发板。 | STM32 ultra low power MCUs STM32 high performance MCUs STM32 mainstream MCUs |
STM32 M4 clicker | 具有STM32F415RG MCU和mikroBUS接口的紧凑型入门开发套件。 | STM32F4 series |
Clicker 2 for STM32 | 紧凑型开发套件,具有STM32F407VG和两个用于连接Click Board的mikroBUS接口。 | STM32F4 series |
Fusion for STM32 | World's first DEBUGGER over WIFI | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
合作伙伴产品 | 描述 | 相关意法半导体产品 |
BLE 6 Click | BLE SOC application processor certified module | BlueNRG-M2 |
Peltier Click | Click board which utilizes the SPV1050, an ultralow power energy harvester and battery charger | SPV1050 |
LSM303AGR click | LSM303AGR click用于测量加速度和磁场特性。它搭载了LSM303AGR 3D加速度计和3D磁力计。 | LSM303AGR |
RFid click | RFid click具有CR95HF 13.56 MHz非接触式收发器和跟踪天线。它只能使用3.3V电源。它通过mikroBUS™ UART(TX, RX)、SPI(MISO, MOSI, SCK, CS)INT、RST、PWM和AN线路与目标MCU通信。 | CR95HF |
EEPROM2 click | EEPROM 2 click搭载了ST的M95M02-DR DIP-8插座EEPROM芯片,带256 KB存储器。芯片的字节和页面写入速度小于等于10 ms。 | M95M02-DR |
3D HALL 5 click | 3D HALL 5 click搭载了IIS2MDCTR,这是一种十分精确的低功耗3D磁传感器,用于测量三个正交轴方向的磁场强度。 | IIS2MDC |
BATT-MON Click | Versatile, high accuracy, multiple-chemistry battery gauge for applications single-cell batteries | STC3115 |
VREG click | VReg click是一种数字控制直流电压稳压器,具有mikroBUS™外形。其设计基于常见的LM317-M电路,在此基础上增加了12位DAC、12位ADC和运算放大器。两对螺钉接线端子充当输入和输出。 | LM317M |
LPS22HB click | LPS22HB click是一种简易的解决方案,用于为您的设计添加数字气压计。它搭载了LPS22HB MEMS nano压力传感器。 | LPS22HB |
LightRanger 8 click | Compact add-on board that contains a ranging sensor with multi-target detection | VL53L3CX |
Thermo 14 Click | Measure temperature measurements between -40°C and +125°C | STTS22H |
STSPIN820 click | STSPIN820 click是一种步进电机驱动器,支持PWM电流控制、可选择微步进功能(至多256微步)和宽电压范围。 | STSPIN820 |
6DOF IMU 15 Click | Compact add-on board integrating motion sensors | ASM330LHH |
LightRanger click | LightRanger click是搭载了ST的VL6180X IC的接近传感器。此芯片基于ST FlightSense专利技术。 | VL6180X |
Accel 10 Click | Ultra-low power triaxial "femto" accelerometer sensor with embedded intelligence | LIS2DTW12 |
GYRO 3 click | Gyro 3 click是一种三轴陀螺仪Click board™,可以检测三个正交轴上的运动。它配备三轴数字陀螺仪I3G4250D。 | I3G4250D |
SpeakUp click | SpeakUp是一种语音识别Click board。通过设置,它可以识别200多个不同的语音指令,并让板载STM32F4立即执行指令。 | STM32F4 series |
RTC 9 Click | Real-time clock module with ultra low power consumption targeted for single button cell battery | M41T82 |
NFC Tag 4 click | NFC Tag 4 Click是一种NFC标签设备,提供16 Kbit电可擦除可编程存储器(EEPROM)。此Click Board™提供两个通信接口。第一个为I2C串行链路,可通过直流电源操作。 | ST25DV16K |
EEPROM click | EEPROM click是一种具有mikroBUS外形的附件板。它具有24C08WP - 一种高度可靠的高性能CMOS技术串行8K EEPROM,采用DIP封装。 | M24C08-F |
LSM6DSL click | LSM6DSL click通过六自由度测量线速度和角速度。它搭载了LSM6DSL高性能3轴数字加速度计和3轴数字陀螺仪。 | LSM6DSL |
USB-C Source Click | Compact add-on board that contains a standalone autonomous USB power delivery controller | STUSB4700 |
LightRanger 2 click | LightRanger 2 click搭载了ST的VL53L0X IC,这是世界上最小的飞行时间测距和手势检测传感器。 | VL53L0X |
H-Bridge 6 Click | Compact add-on board that contains a DC motor driver for automotive applications | VNHD7008AY |
Audio Amp 2 click | Audio Amp 2 click是一种高效的D类音频放大器,它使用了TDA7491,一种双路BTL D类音频放大器IC。 | TDA7491HV |
ISO 9141 Click | Compact add-on board that contains a monolithic bus driver with ISO 9141 interface | L9637 |
Charger 2 click | Charger 2 click是一种锂离子/锂聚合物电池充电器,具有额外的板载监测IC。它搭载了独立的线性电池充电器IC STBC08,以及具有Coulomb计数器/燃气表的电池监测IC STC3100。 | STBC08 STC3100 |
Step Down 2 Click | Click board equipped with the L6986HTR, a synchronous step-down switching regulator | L6986H |
STSPIN233 click | Complete solution for a 3-phase integrated motor driver | STSPIN233 |
BAROMETER click | Barometer click搭载了LPS25HB IC,这是一种压阻式绝对压力传感器,测量范围为260至1260 hPa(具有24位分辨率输出)。 | LPS25HB |
Accel 3 click | Accel 3 click搭载了H3LIS331DL,这是一种低功耗高性能3轴线性加速度计。它使用3.3V电源。它通过SPI或I2C接口与目标微控制器通信,mikroBUS™系列具有通过INT引脚提供的额外功能。 | H3LIS331DL |
USB-C Sink Click | Compact add-on board that contains a standalone autonomous USB power delivery controller | STUSB4500 |
LightRanger 4 click | Light Ranger 4 click搭载了VL53L1X,这是意法半导体提供的一种支持FlightSense™的测距模块。 | VL53L1X |
6DOF IMU 8 click | 6DOF IMU 8 click是一种先进的6轴运动跟踪Click board™,它使用高性能系统级封装(SiP)ISM330DLC,并配备3轴陀螺仪和3轴加速度计。 | ISM330DLC |
3D Hall 3 Click | 3D Hall 3 Click是一种十分精确的磁场感应Click board™,用于测量三个正交轴方向的磁场强度。它配备LIS2MDL,一种低功耗3D磁传感器。 | LIS2MDL |
NFC Extend Click | NFC tag interface device with possibility of using any shape and size external antenna, offering 16 Kbit EEPROM | ST25DV16K |
STSPIN220 click | STSPIN220 click是一种步进电机驱动器,支持PWM电流控制和可选择微步进功能(至多256微步)。它基于STSPIN220,STSPIN2系列中的一种低压步进电机驱动器。 | STSPIN220 |
EEPROM 5 click | Compact add-on board with highest density memory solution 4Mbit electrically erasable programmable memory IC | M95M04-DR |
Accel 13 Click | Ultra-low power triaxial accelerometer sensor with embedded intelligence | IIS2DLPC |
2x5W AMP click | 2x5W AMP click相当于放大器,它使用了TDA7491LP 2x5 W双路BTL D类音频放大器。 | TDA7491LP |
NFC Tag click | NFC Tag click搭载了M24SR64 NFC/RFID标签IC,内置双接口和8KB高可靠性EEPROM。 | M24SR64-Y |
STSPIN250 click | STSPIN250 click是有刷直流电机驱动器,支持电流限制和电流感应。它基于STSPIN250,一种低压DC有刷电机驱动器。 | STSPIN250 |
Brushless 12 Click | Compact add-on board suitable for controlling BLDC motors | L6235 |
Proximity 15 Click | Proximity 15 Click是一款紧凑型附加板,包含近距离接近传感解决方案。该板采用VL53L1。 | VL53L1 |
eFuse Click | eFuse Click是一款紧凑型附加板,包含一个可编程电子电源断路器。该板采用STPW12。 | STPW12 |
H-Bridge 9 Click | H-Bridge 9 Click是一款紧凑型附加板,包含6个MOSFET半桥输出。该板采用L99UDL01。 | L99UDL01 |
Pressure 15 Click | Pressure 15 Click是一款紧凑型附加板,板载压力传感器。该板采用LPS27HHW。 | LPS27HHW |
NFC 4 Click | NFC 4 Click is a compact add-on board that features the M24LR64E-R, a dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC transceiver for contactless communication. | ST25R3916 |
Spectrometer 2 Click | Spectrometer 2 Click is a compact add-on board that collects light waves, features the VD6283TX, a color sensor with advanced light flicker extraction. | VD6283TX |
LightRanger 10 Click | LightRanger 10 Click is a add-on board which features the VL53L4CX, a ToF optical distance sensor with an extended target detection range. | VL53L4CX |
Accel 19 Click | Accel 19 Click is a compact peripheral add-on board that features the LIS2DTW12, an ultra-low-power high-performance three-axis accelerometer sensor. | LIS2DTW12 |
Brushless 17 Click | Brushless 17 Click is a add-on board for controlling brushless DC (BLDC) motors with the L6229Q, three-phase motor driver with overcurrent protection | L6229Q |
Barometer 8 Click | Barometer 8 Click is used to measure air pressure in a specific environment with the ILPS22QS an ultra-compact piezoresistive absolute pressure sensor | ILPS22QS |
Step Down 3 Click | Step Down 3 Click is a compact add-on board features the ST1PS03, a nano-quiescent miniaturized synchronous step-down converter with a load switch. | ST1PS03 |
SolidSwitch 2 Click | SolidSwitch 2 Click as its foundation uses the L9026, an automotive multi-channel relay driver optimized for automotive relay and LED applications. | L9026 |
Inclinometer 2 Click | Inclinometer 2 Click is a compact board that features IIS2ICLX, high accuracy, and resolution two-axis inclinometer the orientation angle of an object | IIS2ICLX |
NFC Tag 5 Click | NFC Tag 5 Click is a compact add-on board that features the M24LR64E-R, a dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC with a dual interface 64-Kbit EEPROM. | M24LR64E-R |
Proximity 16 Click | Proximity 16 Click as its foundation uses the VL53L5CX, an 8x8 multi-zone Time-of-Flight sensor with wide FoV for each zone. | VL53L5CX |
Accel 28 Click | The Accel 28 Click is a reference design board for LIS2HH12TR, an ultra-low-power high-performance three-axis accelerometer. | LIS2HH12 |
Buck 19 Click | Buck 19 Click board features the STPD01, a programmable synchronous buck converter that steps down the voltage for USB power delivery aplications. | STPD01 |
DC Motor 24 Click | DC Motor 24 Click is a compact add-on board that features the L9958, an SPI-controlled H-bridge motor driver. | L9958 |
Smart DOF 2 Click | Smart DOF 2 Click is an add-on board that features LSM6DSV16XTR, a high-performance 6-axis IMU with sensor fusion, ASC, MLC, Qvar, and OIS/EIS paths. | LSM6DSV16X |
Smart DOF 3 Click | Smart DOF 3 Click is evaluation board which features ISM330IS, highly advanced integrated system-in-package (SIP) accelerometer and gyroscope sensors. | ISM330IS |
ADC 21 Click | ADC 21 Click is a compact add-on board that features the ADC1283, a low-power, eight-channel pure CMOS 12-bit analog-to-digital converter. | ADC1283 |
EEPROM 9 Click | The EEPROM 9 Click is a evaluation board with the M95P32-I, 32Mbit electrically erasable, non-volatile programmable memory. | M95P32-I |
LED Driver 19 Click | The LED Driver 19 Click is an add-on bord based in the LED1202, a 12-channel low quiescent current LED driver. | LED1202 |
Accel 21 Click | Accel 21 Click is an add-on board that features the MIS2DH, a high-performance three-axis accelerometer sensor. | MIS2DH |
Barometer 10 Click | Barometer 10 Click board features the LPS28DFW an piezoresistive absolute pressure sensor, that measures air pressure in a specific environment. | LPS28DFW |
合作伙伴产品 | 描述 | 相关意法半导体产品 |
NECTO Studio IDE | SW development solution for STM32 ARM Cortex | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
Compilers for ARM | mikroC PRO for ARM、mikroBasic PRO for ARM和mikroPascal PRO for ARM是ARM® Cortex®-M0、M0+、M3、M4和M7微控制器的全功能编译器。 | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
合作伙伴产品 | 描述 | 相关意法半导体产品 |
mikroProg for STM32 | mikroProg™ for STM32 is a fast USB 2.0 programmer and hardware debugger based on ST-LINK v2. | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
CODEGRIP for STM32 | CODEGRIP is first-ever embedded programmer & debugger over WiFi and with USB-C connectivity | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
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