The core competence of Hilscher is ASIC technology for fieldbus and Real-Time Ethernet, as well as the development and production of industrial communication solutions for modern factory automation. Hilscher's products range from PC cards, gateways, OEM plug-in modules to the powerful netX network controller ASIC family, supporting all main fieldbus and Real-Time Ethernet protocols like PROFINET, PROFIBUS, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, POWERLINK, SERCOS, VARAN, CC-Link, DeviceNet, Modbus, CANopen, POWERLINK.
Moreover, Hilscher supports the IO-Link communication standard as well as the Industrial IoT protocols MQTT and OPC UA.
These are used worldwide for communication between automation devices, control systems and on-premise “local cloud” services.
Hilscher's unique selling point is a comprehensive portfolio of solutions for fieldbuses and Real-Time Ethernet and IO-Link, offering a one-stop shop for hardware and software protocol stacks. Hilscher offers netX technology for device manufacturers, including development services and customized module manufacturing. In this field, Hilscher is not only recognized as a system partner of major manufacturers, the company's customer base also includes a variety of engineering firms, solution providers and system integrators.
To make the assessment of IoT as easy as possible, partnerships with cloud-based service suppliers like IBM, SAP and Microsoft are established.
In addition, Hilscher is represented in all fieldbus and realtime Ethernet and IO-Link organizations. Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH was founded in 1986. Today, the company has 420+ employees at 10 Sales and 2 Development locations worldwide.
With the philosophy of continuous growth based on its own resources, the company is a reliable partner for its customers. All processes are certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and 14001.
Hilscher: Related Resources

• 嵌入式软件
• Evaluation Boards
Rheinstraße 15, Hattersheim, Germany
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合作伙伴产品 | 描述 | 相关意法半导体产品 |
I-NUCLEO-NETX | STM32 Nucleo的netSHIELD工业以太网协议扩展板 | I-CUBE-NETX STM32 Nucleo boards STM32F4 series STM32F7 series |
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