On-demand Webinar: ST’s FlightSense Time-of-Flight solutions for touchless interactions

Join us for a one-hour webinar and discover our enhanced ST FlightSense Time-of-Flight sensor ranging performance with powerful hardware and software upgrades

During this one-hour webinar, we will present our new ST time-of-flight proximity and long distance ranging sensors based on Histogram architecture. The Time-of-Flight sensors that we will present are:
VL53L3CX: proximity and ranging sensor with multi-target detection up to 5 meters.
VL53L1CB: extra-long distance ranging sensor with multi-zone and multi-target detection up to 8 meters.

We will start with our FlightSense roadmap and the most suitable applications for these two new ToF sensors. Then, we will explain how the histogram algorithms work and the major performance benefits they introduce. Finally, we will suggest a few typical applications enabled by these two sensors.

At the end of the webinar, you will have a greater understanding of histogram algorithms and the benefits they deliver in our latest ST FlightSense Time-of-Flight proximity and ranging sensors, and which sensor best fits your needs.

We will guide you through the evaluation of our sensors and show you where to find our design resources and software code examples.


Webinar agenda

  • Introduction to ST FlightSense Time-of-Flight technology
  • FlightSense products and performance roadmap
  • Understanding ST Histogram algorithms
  • Applications and use-cases
  • Development tools and ordering codes


Herve Gotard

Hervé Grotard (marketing manager) joined ST in 2000, and is responsible for defining new product strategies in our Time-of-Flight sensor range and broader customer support for the ST Imaging division.

Thomas Viart

Thomas Viart (marketing engineer) joined ST in 2016, and is responsible for the development and the promotion of new Time-of-Flight sensors.


Etienne Bossart

Etienne Bossart (Applications manager) joined ST in 2000 and is responsible for applications based on our Time-of-Flight sensors, and is also in charge of customer technical support.