On-demand Webinar: Discover STPOWER MDmesh M6 and DM6 MOSFET Technologies

ST’s super-junction technology improves efficiency in high-power converters.

During this one-hour webinar, we will present the features of the MDmesh M6/DM6 MOSFET series which implements technology tailored for high-performance Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS).

The MDmesh M6 and DM6 technologies have embedded characteristics which make them ideal to achieve efficiency in high power systems, especially when used in resonant topologies.

You will learn

  • How ST’s super-junction MOSFETs and technological evolutions meet high-performance application needs.
  • MOSFETs' role inside end-user power converters.
  • About MOSFETs’ key features useful to increase resonant converters’ reliability and performance.
  • How ST’s MDmesh M6 and DM6 technologies compare to competitors’ devices thanks to a detailed benchmark.
  • MDmesh M6/DM6 product portfolio and useful resources.


  • MDmesh™ technology overview
  • MOSFET role to achieve ZVS in DC/DC LLC resonant converters
  • MDmesh™ M6/DM6: Key features, benefits and applications
  • Methodology to evaluate the displacement losses in COSS during switch-off
  • Technical positioning of MDmesh™ M6/DM6 VS Competitors’ products
  • New packaging proposal and solutions  
  • MD6 in TO-LL impact in South Asia, India, Australia & New Zealand