Webinar: 6 reasons why the new ST25DV NFC/RFID Dynamic Tag IC will improve your design

Perfectly suited to get instant read-outs of device status, usage and diagnostics, ST25DV-I2C Dynamic NFC Tags give battery-free or power-conscious devices the ability to communicate, even when they are completely sealed.

ST25DV-I2C tags enable multiple use-cases all along a product’s lifetime: from product tracking and factory customization to black box tool at product end-of-life as well as providing a convenient interface for end-user or maintenance support in the field.

Watch and learn how to:

1. Upgrade wirelessly the firmware of stand-alone electronic systems
2. Upgrade the firmware of unpowered electronic systems in the box
3. Maximize power saving in battery-operated NFC-enabled systems
4. Improve NFC connection user experience by using the sensitive field detect pin
5. Improve data security
6. Give batteryless IoT node the ability to communicate


28 minutes
