ARM TechCon 2015

Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA
November 10-12, 2015

Visit ST at Booth #613 for hands-on demos of:


STM32F7 Cortex®-M7 MCU
STM32L4 Cortex®-M4 ultra-low-power MCU
STM32F469 Cortex®-M4 with Chrom-ART Graphics Accelerator™ and MIPI interface STM32 Development Ecosystem

Explore industry-leading STM32 and embedded technologies. Experience a range of innovative demonstrations showcasing the next generation of high performance and ultra-low-power STM32 Cortex®-M microcontrollers.

Discover the benefits of ST embedded solutions and how they can enhance and simplify your design, while speeding your time to market.

Attendees can win a FREE STM32F7 Discovery Kit.


Activities at the Event

STM32F7 Hands-On Workshop
Discover how the new STM32F7 216 MHz Cortex-M7 MCU allows you to bring high performance to your most demanding applications

Wednesday, November 11, 2:30 – 5:20 p.m., Grand Ballroom B

Join our STM32 hands-on Workshop & receive a FREE STM32F7 Discovery kit.

The seminar will feature hands-on classes using an Integrated Development Environment to compile and debug a range of embedded projects on the STM32F7 Discovery Board. During the session you will learn, by executing and analyzing benchmark and performance measurement projects, how the ARM Cortex-M7 core employs its superscalar architecture and caches to provide superior performance. DSP performance will also be highlighted with the development and debug of a microphone beamforming project on the STM32F7 Discovery board

*Attendees should bring their own Windows® Laptop (Windows 7 or Windows 8) with Administrator rights for the hands-on exercises.

**STM32F7 Discovery Kit giveaway and hands-on workshop are co-sponsored by Future Electronics

Embedded Technical Session
Securing Valuable Assets in Microcontroller Designs

Tuesday, November 10, 10:30 – 11:20 a.m., Ballroom E

Attendees will learn methods necessary to incorporate security in their designs by walking through the processes needed to help secure their firmware in the field, starting with a review of various protection mechanisms available on many microcontrollers.  For more information click here.

Other Technical Seminars
STM32L4 Ultra-Low-Power MCU Hands-on Seminar

If you are unable to join us at this year’s ARM TechCon, we invite you to our STM32L4 Ultra Low-Power MCU Hands-on Seminar series. Learn how the new STM32L4 80 MHz Cortex M4 ultra-low-power MCU allows you to maximize performance and minimize power consumption in your next low-power design. 

Dates, locations and for more information, please click here.